Friday 17 May 2013

Use HTML pre tag to keep email display format

In my servers, I have some shell scripts to send system status reports to my email address.
It's very easy to implement, just run script to generage the report and send the report using sendmail, mail, or mailx.

e.g. if I need to email the output of w, I can simply put it in this way:
w | mail

but it doesn't have any subject, To fields.

Personally I prefer sendmail, so I added the email headers in this way.
(cat <<EOF
Subject: output of w

w)| sendmail -t

This looked pretty ok, and the email displayed nicely in my outlook express 5.

But in 2006, my company upgraded email client to outlook express 6, all the report format were gone, things should appear in the same column didn't.

How should I preserve the report format when displayed in outlook express 6?
I worked as a PHP web developer for 3 years, so the first thing came to my mind is html <pre> tag.
To use html tag in email, I need to set the email MIME type as text/html

This was how I did.
(cat <<EOF
Subject: output of w
Content-Type: text/html;

echo "<html><pre>"; w; echo "</pre></html>")| sendmail -t

My email reports became nicely formatted again!

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