Tuesday, 30 April 2013

ESXi: how to install virtual machine using VMware vSphere Client

In earliest post, I demoed How to install VMware ESXi 5.1 and vSphere Client.
This articles will show how to create and virtual machine and install centos as guest OS on ESXi host.

1. Login to VMware vSphere Client

2. Click "File -> New -> Virtual Machine .." or press ctrl-N.

3. Choose Typical configuration.

4. Specify a name for our virtual machine, here I put "vmcentos".

5.  Choose guest OS and version, I am installing centos, so choose "Linux" and "CentOS 4/5/6 (32bit)"

6. Create a disk, I am installing Centos minimal, 5G should be more than enough, leave the other option unchanged.

7. Review VM configurations before finishing, attach CD/DVD to the virtual machine. Earlier I have copied CentOS-6.3-i386-minimal.iso into ESXi using winscp, so I just attach the iso file. Under "device status" remember to check "connect at power on" , otherwise VM cannot boot up properly in step 9.


8. Open VM console: "Inventory -> Virtual Machine -> Open Console"

9. Press green button to boot up VM, alternatively you can click "Inventory -> Virtual Machine -> Power -> Power On" .

10. Once we see the CentOS  installation page, the following steps should be no difference from installing a physical machine.

1 comment:

  1. Here is nice video tutorial, installing CentOS 7 in VMware Workstation
